
Home Citizenship

Individuals who desire to become Canadian Citizens must first fulfill all the requirements as demanded by the Canadian Government. Whether you are applying for Canadian Citizenship  while working under a Canadian employer or you are self-employed in Canada, anyone can apply.

Did you know that almost every year Canada welcomes millions of immigrants from across the globe? And, a good percentage of these immigrants obtain Canadian Citizenship after a certain period of time.


  • Immigrants with Canadian permanent residence can apply for Canadian Citizenship.
  • The applicant must have lived in Canada for more than three to four years, preceding their application.

You must also:

  • Applicant should be fluent in English or French.
  • Every Canadian Citizen applicant must secure passing marks in the official citizenship test.

Important Things to be Noted:

  • After getting granted Canadian citizenship, individuals can vote and can also run for political office.
  • Eligible to apply for Canadian Passport and travel visa-free in 170 countries.
  • Get economic benefits and gain access to social services like health and education.
  • Canadian citizens can apply for military and social service jobs.